OrderedMultiDictionary Constructor (Boolean, Comparison)

Wintellect PowerCollections

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Create a new OrderedMultiDictionary. If duplicate values are allowed, multiple copies of the same value can be associated with the same key. For example, the key "foo" could have "a", "a", and "b" associated with it. If duplicate values are not allowed, only one copies of a given value can be associated with the same key, although different keys can have the same value. For example, the key "foo" could have "a" and "b" associated with it, which key "bar" has values "b" and "c" associated with it.

Namespace: Wintellect.PowerCollections
Assembly:  PowerCollections (in PowerCollections.dll)


public OrderedMultiDictionary(
	bool allowDuplicateValues,
	Comparison<TKey> keyComparison
Visual Basic (Declaration)
Public Sub New ( _
	allowDuplicateValues As Boolean, _
	keyComparison As Comparison(Of TKey) _
Visual C++
OrderedMultiDictionary (
	bool allowDuplicateValues, 
	Comparison<TKey>^ keyComparison


Can the same value be associated with a key multiple times?
Comparison<(Of <TKey>)>
A delegate to a method that will be used to compare keys.


System..::InvalidOperationExceptionTValue does not implement either IComparable<TValue> or IComparable.

See Also